April 2023 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter
Earth Day is celebrated April 22.
A national Earth Day toolkit encourages citizens to band together to advance sustainability and climate action in commemoration of the day.
Practicing sustainability is a way of life for Florida farmers and ranchers. More than 10 million acres are dedicated to agriculture. These lands provide environmental benefits such as preserving the natural landscape and numerous ecosystem services. The careful stewardship of these lands contributes to clean air, water and provides wildlife habitat. Forests and rangeland support carbon sequestration, helping combat climate change.
As the voice for Florida agriculture, farmers and ranchers must tell their story of sustainability every day. Protecting the environment is what we do so we can provide an abundant supply of food and fiber for Americans nationwide.
Help us tell our story on sustainability. If you are a farmer who implements these everyday best management practices on the farm, we want to connect with you. Learn more about our This Farm CARES program and how you can nominate your or a neighbor’s operation.