Tied to Ag: Tyler and Emily Shadrick, Madison County

July 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter 

Tyler and Emily Shadrick are first generation blueberry growers in Madison County. Growing up in a small, rural town, their families were friends long before the two became a couple. Although they did not grow up on farms, the couple enjoys being part of the agriculture community and starting a farm of their own. 

Tyler learned a lot about farming during his employment on various farms. After taking a step back, he decided to start farming for himself. In 2019, Shadrick Farms was founded. 

In addition to running Shadrick Farms, Tyler is the facility manager for Madison Youth Ranch North Campus of Residing Hope Children’s Home and Emily is a third-grade teacher.  

Although Farm Bureau has always been a part of the Shadricks’ life from an insurance perspective, it wasn’t until a few years ago that Tyler and Emily became involved with the Madison County YF&R Program. Buck Carpenter, an active Farm Bureau member in the county, encouraged the couple to attend the group’s meetings and later helped them earn scholarships to attend the YF&R Leadership Conference.  

“I have really enjoyed getting to meet new people through Farm Bureau and learning that there’s a lot more agriculture in Florida than what my county brings to the table,” said Tyler Shadrick. “We had no idea about all the leadership opportunities that the leadership group would offer us when we joined.”  

As members of the YF&R state leadership group, Tyler and Emily have had the opportunity to learn about agriculture on a state and national level. Tyler serves as the Class X President, which gives him a seat on the Florida Farm Bureau state board. This has been an eye-opening experience as they continue to strengthen their tie to agriculture. 

“I stay tied to ag by connecting national issues with my county,” said Tyler. “I have gotten to go to Washington, D.C. and learn about big issues that aren’t being talked about on a county level. I try to bring what I’ve learned to my county and help create a solution.”