Did you know that Florida Farm Bureau members are also exclusive members of the Farm Bureau Buyers Club? Ask your county Farm Bureau how you can purchase quality “Florida’s Best” ® products such as citrus and peanuts. Plus receive discount pricing on products produced by fellow Farm Bureau members nationwide (i.e. Florida sausage, Texas smoked turkeys, Michigan frozen fruits and vegetables, Mississippi catfish, southern fried peanuts, chocolate covered pecans and much more) — great quality food and gift ideas at super savings. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE CURRENT SALE
Farm Bureau members can ship fresh Florida citrus and other Farm Bureau gift products to family members and friends across the country! Citrus gift packs in season, Chocolate-Covered Pecans, Whole Roasted Cashews, Southern Fried Peanuts and more for Christmas, birthdays, special holidays, or just a gift for a special friend. Contact your county Farm Bureau office or call 877-787-5004 (M -F, 8 am – 4:30 pm) or visit FloridasBestFruit.com.
The Florida Farm Bureau Fund Raising Division markets fresh “Florida’s Best” ® citrus and other agricultural products to fundraising organizations across the country (i.e. FFA Chapters, 4-H Clubs, School Bands, Lion and Kiwanis Clubs, etc.). Call 1.800.654.0941 for more information on gift fruit, citrus, nuts, beef jerky and other fundraising opportunities or visit fwffb.com.