Leon County Farm Bureau

Leon County Food Check-Out Day

Leon 1According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American family earns enough disposable income in five weeks to purchase an entire years’ worth of groceries. Food Check-Out Day in Leon County is a day that celebrates this fact as well as the affordability and availability of food in America. Leon County Farm Bureau employees and volunteers deliver groceries donated by the Farm Bureau to the Ronald McDonald House in Tallahassee as well as prepare lunch for members and staff of the Ronald McDonald House.

Sharon Spratt, Tallahassee
  • Vice President: Emily Duda Buckley, Tallahassee
  • Treasurer: Clegg Hooks, Tallahassee
  • Secretary: Candace Yeagher, Tallahassee
Board of Directors
  • Christy Kennedy, Tallahassee
  • Lance Pierce, Tallahassee
  • Emily Hetherington, Tallahassee
  • Steven Hall , Tallahassee