Growing Forward: Danielle Daum, Highlands County

March 2023 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

Danielle Daum
Women’s Leadership Committee Chair

Danielle Daum has spent her whole life immersed in agriculture. Having grown up on her family’s caladium farm in Highlands County, Happiness Farms, she has been involved in every aspect of the operation. Danielle is the third generation to work her family’s farm, providing top quality caladiums since 1964. Happiness Farms has since diversified into citrus production and is currently the world’s largest commercial caladium farm.

She has done everything on the farm, “From pulling weeds and packing bulbs after school to managing the office.” said Daum. She is now in charge of making sure the operation is within compliance and that both retail and wholesale customers are taken care of.

Much like farming, being a part of the Florida Farm Bureau Federation is a family affair. Danielle’s father was highly active in Farm Bureau and served on advisory committees. Naturally, Danielle found herself involved with the Young Farmers and Ranchers program in her home county, which eventually led to participation with the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee. She is one of the founders and chairwomen of the Highlands County Ag-Venture, an event that started 24 years ago and educates 1,200 third graders about agriculture every year. This event has been so successful that it has been modeled by other county and state Farm Bureaus. Danielle is happy to serve as a mentor for those looking to grow their County Farm Bureaus with such events.

When asked what she enjoys most about Farm Bureau, Daum answered “I love the people and getting the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals that also have a passion for the industry. I see the value in agriculture, and I want to encourage others to see the value in it as well.”

Having received a degree in elementary and special education from Florida Southern College, it is no surprise that Danielle has utilized her education and passion to help others understand the importance of agriculture and Farm Bureau. She currently serves as the chair of the Florida Farm Bureau State Women’s Leadership Committee, where she uses this role to continue to be a champion for the agriculture industry.

“Growing forward to me means persevering through the challenges both big and small. It’s about continuing to push forward despite challenges.” Danielle said. “Looking for the positive in every situation and always trying to do your best.”