Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture Frequently Asked Questions

Will you accept donations of supplies (water, hay, tools, etc.)?

The Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture is only able to accept monetary contributions.  We are not able to accept donations of supplies.

Are Contributions to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture tax deductible?

Yes, contributions to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture are tax deductible.

Will 100% of my contribution go towards relief for agriculture impacted by Hurricane Helene?

Yes, 100% of the donations collected will be distributed to those in Florida agriculture who incurred losses related to Hurricane Helene.

Will you accept a donation by credit card?

We are accepting cash, check and credit card donations. 100% of all proceeds will go directly to relief.

Can donations be earmarked for an individual or commodity?

No. Donors cannot earmark contributions to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture for a particular individual, family or commodity.

How can I apply for assistance?

The application for assistance is available online. Click here to fill out the application.

 Who is eligible to apply for funding?

Only Florida Agriculture producers with agriculture-related losses or expenses resulting from Hurricane Helene’s wind and flooding may qualify for assistance from the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture.

The Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture is not limited to members of Florida Farm Bureau Federation.

What damages qualify for consideration/assistance?

Uninsurable agricultural damages or non-recoverable losses with proper documentation may be submitted to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture for consideration.

Who makes the determination on assistance from the Fund?

Final reimbursement decisions will be made by the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund for Agriculture Committee, appointed by the Chair of the Florida Farm Bureau Women’s Fund, Inc.

All decisions made with regard to fund disbursements and guidelines by the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund are final.