Ag Career Jobs Are Available

March 2020

FFBF, Ag Careers, Jobs, college grads

College graduates across the nation currently have great opportunities in agriculture and related careers, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In a report previously issued by the agency, researchers estimated that nearly 58,000 positions each year become available in agriculture, food, renewable natural resources and environmental science. But new college graduates can only fill 61% of these positions.

This means that employers will also be looking to hire other workers who have a variety of skills.

Various university researchers who participated in a study of career prospects noted that candidates who are mobile and have work experience will have better job prospects than other people who seek employment.

Agriculture-related career tracks are important for food production, conservation of natural resources, the development of renewable energy sources and economic stability.

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(Photo courtesy of Photo by Kathryn Markey Lundgren, USDA/ARS)