June 20, 2017

Florida Ag Literacy Day is an annual reading event where farmers, ranchers, University of Florida IFAS extension ,4-H agents and master gardeners, FFA teachers and students and agriculture industry volunteers get a chance to go into elementary classrooms and read about Florida agriculture to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. This year’s book is titled Drive Through Florida: Aquaculture and Seafood.
Clay County Farm Bureau volunteers read to more than 2,000 Clay County students. Our volunteers come from our Women’s Committee, Young Farmers and Ranchers Group and local 4-H and FFA members.
Volunteer readers Lindsey Russell and William Donaghy read to students at Thunderbolt Elementary and were delighted to receive thank you letters from each of them. Lindsey said the children mostly wanted to make sure they would come back to read again.
Volunteer reader, Susan Hendry, once again read to more than 1,200 students alone. Susan loves to bring in agriculture related items, such as vegetables, fruits and little critters from the farm. She says the children always love seeing the baby chicks.
Teachers interested in this free program should contact their local Farm Bureau office or visit the FAITC.org website.