November 2022

Mackenzie Cunningham of Volusia County won Florida Farm Bureau’s 2022 State Youth Speech Contest speaking about the positive impacts of agriculture to the local community. Cunningham attends Belleview High School in Volusia County and is a member of the DeLand Senior FFA Chapter.
Cunningham’s passion for agriculture began in 8th grade with her involvement in the DeLand Middle FFA Chapter.
“When I became more involved in FFA, it opened my eyes to so many agriculture opportunities and the things that agriculture does for our communities…I wanted to be able to be a part of something so diverse and important.”
The State Youth Speech contest consists of eight young people between the ages of 14-18 representing each of Florida Farm Bureau’s county districts. This year’s topic was “In addition to food and fiber, what other positive impacts in your local community can be attributed to agriculture?”
Cunningham was presented with a backpack, plaque and a $500 check. Kali Kamiya of Manatee County received a backpack, plaque and $250 for second place.
The contest was sponsored by Florida Farm Bureau’s Women’s Leadership Committee.