August 30, 2017

From baby birds hatching to alligator scales to memorable farm life moments, the 2017 Florida Farm Bureau Federation Online Photo Contest captured diverse perspectives of Florida’s rich agricultural and rural life.
Members submitted more than 165 photos to celebrate Florida agriculture in the 2017 Online Photo Contest. Photos were judged by Facebook viewers in three categories: Natural Florida and Wildlife, On the Farm and Farm Bureau Members in Their Communities.
Beth Eck of Gadsden County was named the overall winner and received $300 for her “Baby Chick” photo.
Paul Kelly of Hillsborough County received first place in Natural Florida and Wildlife for his “Looking at the Bay” photo, Dara Tannenbaum of Miami-Dade County received 2nd place for her “Florida Undisturbed” photo and Maria Shiver of Leon County received 3rd place for her “Eagle at St. Marks Wildlife Refuge” photo.
In the On the Farm category, Micah Gallagher of Levy County won first place for the “Watusi Trio” photo. Derica Orberg of Baker County placed 2nd for her “Just a Boy and his Cow” photo and Tara Patterson’s “Sweet Meadow Stables” photo received 3rd place.
The Farm Bureau Members in Their Communities photo category winners were Jennifer Greene of Bay County (1st Place), Kim Joiner of Clay County (2nd Place) and Craig Exner (3rd Place) of Escambia County.
First place winners in each category received $150 while second and third place winners received $75 and $50 in each category.
To view photo contest entries, visit our online gallery or Facebook page.