Research: Cow’s Milk May Protect Against Disease

June 1, 2017

dairy cattleNutrients in milk from cows support good health, according to University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Science researchers. Dairy foods can also help protect you from chronic diseases.

The nutrient content of dairy products builds strong bones and teeth, maintains and improves bone mass, makes red blood cells, synthesizes DNA and supports healthy blood pressure, said Gail Kauwell, a UF/IFAS professor of food science and human nutrition.

Kaley Mialki, a registered dietitian, pointed out that people who are trying to lose weight can include dairy foods in their diets.

“If individuals are watching their weight, switching from full-fat milk, cheese and yogurt to low-fat or fat-free milk products can reduce calorie and fat consumption but still allow for intake of other important nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals,” Mialki said.

For more information about health-sustaining diets, click here.

