PR Tips
To help our County Farm Bureaus be more comfortable when posting on Facebook, we thought we’d share different tips each week.
Week 1
- Setup a Facebook Business Page, not a personal page.
- Develop a plan before you start posting.
- Use short messages when posting.
Week 2
- When sharing posts from another page, share using the “Share” button.
- Share a variety of posts, including news articles, videos and graphics or photos.
Week 3
- Don’t overshare. Try posting 2-4 times a week.
- Monitor and respond to comments.
Week 4
- Post Consistently
- When it comes to figuring out what to share on social media, quality beats quantity. You want to publish content consistently, but it also has to be valuable. Quality content is: relevant to your audience, helpful and entertaining.
Week 5
- Be sure to respond to comments when appropriate.
- Share facts and information that are relevant to your community. (i.e. Did you know Marion County is known as the “Horse Capital of the World?”
Week 6
- Use 2-3 hashtags (#) on your posts.
- For questions or training on social media, contact the PR Department.
Week 7
- Write down your goals and objectives for your social media presence, keep those in mind when you post!
- Always write a description on every link you post. Don’t just put the headline of the post.
- This week is Food Check-Out Week, follow @flafarmbureau to see posts for the week or view the graphics here.
Week 8
- Add your social media links to your county microsite at
- Make sure your profile photo and cover photo on Facebook are up-to-date and reflective of the Farm Bureau brand. Your photos should be easily readable and not blurry. If you need a new photo or cover photo, reach out to the PR division.
Week 9
- Post 2-3 times a week
- Be sure to share state events from the FFBF pages and to also make your followers aware of local county events.
Week 10
- Use visually appealing content.
- Track what posts have the most engagement (likes, comments, clicks and shares)
Week 11
- For instructions on uploading content to Facebook or if you have questions about your social media pages, contact the PR Department.
- When taking photos on your phone, to adjust brightness or focus on the subject, tap the screen while in camera mode.
Week 12
- On your county Facebook page, be sure that the logo is wholly visible in the page’s profile photo.
- To always see Florida Farm Bureau’s posts, go to the Florida Farm Bureau Facebook page and click the “Following” drop-down and select “See First”.
Week 13
- Follow current events/news in your county, you may find some useful things to post on your social media channels.
- Let the PR department know if you need a cover photo to use for your profile.
Week 14
- Create Events on Facebook to promote and draw interest to your county events and functions.
- Follow the FFB website for weekly new stories and relevant news information.
Week 15
- Utilize the social media graphics given through available Toolkits (Food Check-Out Week, Farm-City Week, and AFBFs Our Food Link).
- Follow FFBF social media channels for regular updates.
Week 16
- Find articles for posting on social media through the local news or state news clips.
- Post events happening around your county, including any training seminars or tours. Share a photo or two of the event and give a description.
For questions, contact, Alex Lucas.