Farm Bureau Women are dedicated to educating the public with programs and events that promote a positive image of agriculture. These activities provide opportunities for leadership, communication, political involvement and networking.
Telling the story of agriculture in a factual and engaging manner is an ongoing effort of Farm Bureau Women. The Women’s programs provide funding for scholarships, Ag in the Classroom and charitable projects around the state.
To get involved in the Farm Bureau Women’s Program, contact your local Farm Bureau office.
Women’s Leadership Program
The Florida Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Program uses the unique talents of women to help support Farm Bureau in organizational, legislative, educational and promotional initiatives. Any woman from a Farm Bureau family is encouraged to participate in the Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Program. Women are key in sharing agriculture’s story at the local, state and national level.
Women’s Fund
The Women’s Fund was first established in 1974 by the Farm Bureau Women’s Committee to collect and distribute funds to non-profit hospitals to care for kidney patients. Since that time, the fund has expanded its support to include organizations that focus on the community, health and well-being of Florida residents, particularly those that affect women and children, as well as education on the topic of agriculture. Since its inception, more than $250,000 has been raised and donated to various charitable causes.
Some of the charities the Women’s Fund has helped over the years include Go Red for Women Campaign, Seamark Ranch, Russell House, Ronald McDonald House Charities, GiGi’s Playhouse, Ella’s Closet, Feeding Tampa Bay, Inc., Alzheimer’s Association, Glazer Children’s Museum and Ag Angels.
County Farm Bureaus voluntarily contribute 10 cents per member to support the fund. This voluntary contribution helps Farm Bureau exemplify the compassion of the agricultural community.
If you are a volunteer at heart and enjoy giving back to your local community, contact your county Farm Bureau office. If you are a 501(c)(3) and interested in submitting a request for funding, please send your email request to [email protected]. Requests should include information about your organization, funding needs, how funds will be utilized and pictures.
Women’s Leadership Conference
Join us March 28-30, 2025, in St. Augustine, Florida!
The Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee was established to aid the organization in its efforts to effectively use women’s talents to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Farm Bureau organization. Committee members are a dedicated group of individuals who work to ensure the ideals of Farm Bureau are upheld. They lead and represent the women and families of Florida Farm Bureau.
Victoria Hunter
Danielle Daum
Click on your district to learn about your representative. To contact any of your district representatives, email [email protected].
Youth Speech Contest
Each year the Women’s Leadership Committee sponsors a Youth Speech Contest for high school students. The contest promotes a stronger interest and clearer understanding of agriculture among our youth.
The contest begins at the county level. The winner of each county contest competes in district contests and the district winners will present at the Florida Farm Bureau state annual meeting in October. To view contest rules and regulations, click here.
For more information, contact your local County Office.
Women’s Activity Award
Farm Bureau Women also have the opportunity to be recognized for their involvement in the community and sharing the story of agriculture. Each year engaged women can apply for the Women’s Activity Award.
Recipients are recognized at the Women’s Leadership Conference held in the spring.
FFBF Classroom Mini-Grants
The Women’s Leadership Committee provides multiple $250 mini-grants to certified Florida educators who are engaged in classroom instruction at the pre-K to 12th grade levels. The mini-grant program supports agricultural education in the classroom.
Farm Bureau Women coordinate many activities and programs around the state to connect rural and urban communities such as food bank drives, farm-to-table luncheons, classroom contests, town parades and festivals. Below are just a few of the programs or activities that Farm Bureau Women lead. For more information on how to get involved in these activities or any Farm Bureau program, contact your local County Office.
Ag in the Classroom
The Ag in the Classroom program was created to help school children and teachers learn about agriculture, where their food comes from and the important contributions Florida farmers make to their communities and state.
The Women’s Leadership Committee is devoted to helping the future generation learn about agriculture. Through various Ag in the Classroom activities, such as Ag Literacy Day, Farm Bureau Woman help share important story of agriculture.
Farm-City Week
Rural and urban communities rely on each other to sustain a good quality of life. Farm-City Week is celebrated the week before Thanksgiving each year. During this week we celebrate the mutually beneficial partnerships between farmers and city residents that make our food supply safe and plentiful. Download a Farm-City Week Toolkit to help you plan your celebration.
Food Check-Out Week
Food Check-Out Week takes place the third week in February each year and celebrates the abundance of fresh and nutritious food available to consumers at affordable prices. Americans spend less than 11 percent of their disposable income on food. To participate in this celebration, download a Food Check-Out Week Toolkit and contact your local Farm Bureau.
Our Food Link
Our Food Link promotes today’s agriculture year-round to consumers of all ages. A planning kit is available to help local communities implement various educational projects. To get started with a Food Link activity in your area, contact your local Farm Bureau.
Women’s Activity Award
The Activity Award is bestowed upon those Farm Bureau Counties who have an active Women’s Committee and who showcase exemplary efforts and participation in activities throughout the year.
Youth Speech Contest
The Women’s Leadership Committee sponsors a Youth Speech Contest for high school students. The contest promotes a stronger interest and clearer understanding of agriculture among our youth.
The contest begins at the county level. The winner of each county contest competes in district contests and the district winners will present at the Florida Farm Bureau state annual meeting in October.
For more information, contact your local County Office.
We have created a “virtual handbook” for everything you need to get started in promoting agriculture in your community. See the new Women’s Committee Online Handbook!