All posts by Shelby Martin

Your Land Grant Partner

January 2025 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

dr angle

By J. Scott Angle
[email protected]


Senate President Ben Albritton has called for a “rural renaissance,” built in part on technologies that support agriculture.

UF/IFAS and the Florida Farm Bureau Federation are answering that call by developing the talent pipeline to use those technologies. Through what we call the AgTech Accelerator, we’re combining Senator Albritton’s call for a rural renaissance with our vision to make Florida the Silicon Valley of agriculture.

Homegrown technologies, talent and businesses are going to bring greater prosperity to places that have in the view of many been left behind in our state’s most recent economic boom.

It’s just the right time for this as Florida agriculture is about to be transformed by artificial intelligence. UF/IFAS was already dedicating research and Extension teams make AI useful and affordable on your farm, for example.

Now UF/IFAS and FFBF are mobilizing state colleges, technical schools and high schools to establish or redesign agricultural technology training programs. The agricultural jobs of the future will require education ranging from degrees at UF to two-year state college degrees to certifications that can be earned in just months.

UF/IFAS can create curriculum, host technology demonstrations, and connect colleges to industry partners.

FFBF leadership brings insight on what challenges we actually need to help farmers address so they can contribute even more to the economies of their communities.

FFBF subsidiary Agriculture Education Services & Technology already offers certifications in at least 10 specializations. We’ll need to build on that with state college programs that reach every county and a wider array of specializations.

Vinay Vijayakumar uses a laptop to program a smart robotic weed sprayer to run a demonstration on row crops at Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. Photo taken 11-14-24

Our vision is for a series of hubs of technical expertise at UF/IFAS Extension offices and research farms. Farmers, students and anyone with a great idea could come to these hubs for job skill development, entrepreneurship training or advice on how to turn ideas into products in the marketplace.

This will turbocharge your local economy in three ways. It starts with developing a tech-savvy local workforce as your sons, daughters, employees and future employees get the education and training they need without having to move away.

In addition, these regional hubs will foster creation of homegrown businesses as they help local entrepreneurs commercialize their ideas. Third, the centers will be magnets for investors looking for opportunity in rural communities and for businesses seeking affordable communities with a well-trained local workforce.

We and Senator Albritton have the same aim – to create high-paying jobs in rural areas and to make sure we have local talent to fill those jobs.

The Florida Department of Commerce and Department of Education are stepping up with funding for the early iterations of our partnerships with state colleges to launch agtech workforce training pilot projects.

It’s been invaluable to have:

  • FFBF President Jeb Smith with us in Ocala to talk out this vision with Central College of Florida;
  • Raulie Raulerson and Kyndall Bauer joining us in Apopka to strategize with Valencia College;
  • Hannah Love and Keitha Bennett and their background in certification at our discussion with Santa Fe College;
  • District 5 field representative Greg Harden’s experience with assessing farmers’ needs as we met in Palatka with Johns River State College.

Please help us bring the AgTech Accelerator to your community by letting your FFBF field representative and your legislative officials know how important technology is to Florida farming’s future.

Scott Angle is the University of Florida’s Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and leader of the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).



Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Application Period

January 2025 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recently announced that an application period for the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program begins on December 18, 2024, for preservation of important agricultural lands through acquisition of perpetual easements on working agricultural lands.

The deadline for receiving applications for this review cycle shall end at 5:00 p.m. EST on January 29, 2025.  Applications received after the application review cycle deadline will not be considered and will be returned to the applicant.

The application form can be downloaded here.  Applications can be submitted online via by US Mail carrier or hand delivery to: FDACS, Rural and Family Lands Protection Program, 315 South Calhoun St. Suite 500, Tallahassee, Florida 32301.

The applicant will be notified of any deficiency and instructions for resubmission. If the required information is not received in writing via the RFLPP application form within five (5) business days of the applicant’s receipt of the notice of deficiency, the application will be rejected.

Interested parties may obtain more information from the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program website at: or by calling (850) 681-5828 or emailing [email protected].


SFWMD completes a new Northern Everglades Water Quality Project in Osceola County

January 2025 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

On December 16, 2024, the South Florida Water Management District joined the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Garcia Land Management, LLC and many other local, state and federal partners to celebrate the completion of a new dispersed water management project in Osceola County.

The El Maximo Ranch Northern Everglades Water Quality Project is a regional water quality improvement effort intended to reduce nutrients flowing into Lake Okeechobee. The project diverts water from the Kissimmee River and Blanket Bay Slough for treatment on approximately 7,000 acres of privately-owned land and is expected to remove over two metric tons of total phosphorus and seven metric tons of total nitrogen per year. The project consists of four pump stations, 19 water control structures and more than 27 miles of berms.

This is a great example of a proactive regional water management project made possible through public/private partnership. There are several other operational Dispersed Water Management Projects, including the Brighton Valley Dispersed Water Storage and Management Project, Bluefield Grove Water Storage Farm, Scott Water Storage Farm, ALJO Four Corners Rapid Infiltration Project, and the Doc Partin Ranch Project. These projects use private lands for water storage, helping to improve water quality and enhance plant and wildlife habitats.


Lake Okeechobee Enters Recovery Mode

January 2025 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began releases under Lake Okeechobee Recovery Operations on December 7, 2024.

For the past five years, Lake Okeechobee has experienced several storm events and extended moderately high lake stages. This has led to degraded ecological conditions within the lake, including significant loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), high turbidity and nutrient concentrations, and negative changes in emergent vegetation.

There are six considerations for implementing Recovery Operations – lake stage not receding below 13 feet in summer, SAV coverage significantly below 11,000 acres, no strong El Nino, nor strong La Niña forecasted for the dry season, lake stage not receding below 11 feet NGVD in the last five years, ecological and Snail Kite conditions, and no water supply concerns. Each of these six of the considerations have been met, and current projections show that conditions this dry season are favorable for success.

The goal of recovery is to lower lake levels before the onset of the wet season to allow for recovery of lake ecology, specifically SAV. The operational strategy for these operations intends to slowly bring water levels down by making moderate, non-harmful releases to the estuaries while also sending maximum beneficial flow south to the Everglades. Lowering water levels will allow light to penetrate to the bottom and allow SAV to regerminate and regrow during the April-July period. Regrowth of SAV in Lake Okeechobee will reduce water turbidity and nutrient concentrations. Improved water quality within the lake benefits the estuaries if significant releases are necessary in the coming seasons/years.

Consistent with the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM), the maximum allowable releases under Recovery Operations are:

  • up to 2,100 cfs at S-79 to the Caloosahatchee River Estuary (CRE)
  • up to 1,400 cfs total St. Lucie Estuary (SLE) inflows (S-80 + S-97 + S-49 + Gordy Road)
  • up to 300 cfs to the Lake Worth Lagoon (LWL) at S-271 and S-352
  • up to maximum practicable south at S-351 and S-354

Releases will be made in the most beneficial way possible. USACE will continue to collaborate with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and other partners to evaluate flow and salinity to inform estuary releases on a weekly basis. Depending on conditions, releases will either be made as a pulse, or a constant flow targeted at S-80 and S-79. The releases allowed under Recovery Operations are within the RECOVER optimal flow envelope for the estuaries and will not impact oyster spawn, sea grass, spawning, or other ecological activities.

Flow south from the lake has started to increase significantly, as water supply demand has picked up early in this dry season. Flow south to the Everglades will occur based upon capacity of the state’s Stormwater Treatment Areas (STA’s) and the capacity of the Water Conservation Areas (WCA’s) to the south. The capacity of those will generally increase as we move through the dry season.

Exactly when and how much to release within limits will be based on the considerations including, but not limited to, coordination with stakeholders and partner agencies, current and historical lake levels, recession rates, climate outlooks, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) forecasts, precipitation forecasts, drought conditions, water-supply conditions, and nesting activities and ecological conditions in the lake, Northern Estuaries, and the Greater Everglades. USACE is constantly monitoring the entire system, and the recovery releases and strategy can be discontinued at any time throughout the dry season if warranted.

EPA Releases Final Ruling on Application Exclusion Zone

December 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

Effective December 4, 2024, the  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mandated Application Exclusion Zones (AEZ), which include additional precautions to protect workers and bystanders during pesticide applications. The AEZ refers to the area immediately surrounding the pesticide application equipment, and only exists during the application, moves simultaneously with the equipment and can extend outside of the property’s boundaries. The size of the AEZ is determined through application method and droplet size.

Pesticide handlers will now be subject to stricter Worker Protection Standards under the AEZ Final Rule. Pesticide applicators must suspend applications if any other persons are in the AEZ, regardless of whether they are within the property’s boundaries or in an easement on the property. Additionally, agricultural employers and establishment owners are responsible for ensuring no person is within an AEZ on their property, other than the licensed pesticide applicator.

Under the AEZ Final Rule, the AEZ must be a minimum of 100 feet horizontally in all directions when a pesticide is applied by the following methods: air (fixed wing or helicopter); air blast or air propelled; fumigant, smoke, mist, or fog, or fine spray quality/droplet size.

Additionally, the AEZ must be a minimum of 25 feet horizontally in all directions when a pesticide is applied by the following methods: not applied in a manner that would require a 100-foot buffer or using medium or large spray quality/droplet sizes, sprayed from a height of greater than 12-inches from the soil surface or planting medium.

No AEZ is required when the pesticide is applied in a manner other than the aforementioned methods. The AEZ Immediate Family Exemption allows farm owners and their immediate family members to remain inside closed buildings during pesticide applications, given the stipulations are satisfied.

Florida Farm Bureau supports the continued use of agricultural chemicals that currently have no viable alternatives. We further encourage research funded through state and federal agencies, as well as private associations, to develop economically viable crop protection options, including but not limited to soil fumigants for agricultural producers.

U.S. farmers must not be constrained by regulations that result in a competitive disadvantage.

Any questions or concerns regarding the final ruling can be directed to the Florida Farm Bureau Ag Policy Department.

UF/IFAS Selected to Lead Food Safety Education Program

December 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has selected a UF/IFAS-run center for food safety training to coordinate similar facilities across the country.

Michelle Danyluk, photo courtesy of UF/IFAS

The USDA’s decision means the Southern Center for Food Safety Modernization Act Training will continue serving as the Lead Regional Coordination Center for such training, a role it has filled since 2015. The Southern Center is run by two food safety professors in the UF/IFAS food science and human nutrition department: Keith Schneider and Michelle Danyluk.

“We have a really good crew of people here that has allowed this to happen: a network of trainers and faculty members who have extensive connections in the food safety community, as well as with other institutions,” Schneider said.

Keith Schneider, photo courtesy of UF/IFAS

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was passed in 2011 to prevent the introduction of foodborne pathogens into the American food system. In 2015, the USDA joined with the FDA to establish the National Food Safety Training, Education, Extension, Outreach, and Technical Assistance Program and funded a national coordination center and four regional centers. UF/IFAS has served as the headquarters of the Southern Center for a decade. The center supports 13 states between Texas and Virginia. Partners include land-grant institutions and non-government and community-based organizations.

This year, NIFA awarded the Southern Center a $950,000 grant to continue training food safety educators. During this grant cycle, a three-year period, the center will focus on reaching underserved populations, including operators of small farms, socially disadvantaged farmers and farmers beginning their careers.

The center’s teaching model involves training trainers, including representatives from academia, state and local regulatory agencies, non-governmental organizations, commodity group associations and local food hubs. This approach creates a multiplier effect.

“Rather than trying to complete 100 trainings, we can train 10 trainers and reach 1,000 people and so on,” Schneider said. “And the more trainers we educate, the larger the audience we impact.”

Most of the curriculum focuses on two FSMA rules: the Produce Safety Rule and the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule. The first established mandatory minimum standards related to agricultural water quality, employee health and hygiene, animals, biological soil amendments of animal origin, equipment, tools and buildings. The second requires food facilities to create a food safety plan that includes an analysis of hazards and risk-based preventive controls to minimize or prevent identified hazards.

“It’s all about being compliant with health-safety rules so growers can produce the quality crops we want and expect,” Schneider said.

The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents.  |  @UF_IFAS

New Endagered Species Proposed by USFWS

December 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is proposing to list the Black Creek crayfish (Procambarus pictus), a crayfish species from Florida, as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. USFWS also proposes to designate critical habitat for the Black Creek crayfish under the Act. In total, approximately 656 miles of streams in Clay, Duval, Putnam, and St. Johns Counties, Florida, fall within the boundaries of the proposed critical habitat designation. If this rule is finalized as proposed, it would extend the Act’s protections to this species and its designated critical habitat. USFWS will also announce the availability of an economic analysis of the proposed critical habitat designation for the Black Creek crayfish. In reviewing the proposed listing, the major threat to this species is resulting from competition from the white tubercled crayfish (which is not native to Florida).

When designating critical habitat, USFWS assesses whether the specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the species at the time of listing contain features which are essential to the conservation of the species and which may require special management considerations or protection. The features essential to the conservation of the Black Creek crayfish may require special management considerations/protection to reduce the effects from the following threats: Impacts from nonindigenous and invading species, including the white tubercled crayfish; impacts from disease; nutrient pollution from agricultural activities that impact water quantity and quality; significant alteration of water quantity, including water withdrawals; and other watershed and floodplain disturbances, such as development and extractive land uses that release sediments or nutrients into the water.

Management activities that could ameliorate these threats include, but are not limited to: control and removal of introduced and invading species; use of BMPs designed to reduce sedimentation, erosion, and bank side destruction; protection of riparian corridors and retention of sufficient canopy cover along banks; moderation of surface and ground water withdrawals to maintain natural flow regimes; and reduction of other watershed and floodplain disturbances that release sediments, pollutants, or nutrients into the water.

Florida Farm Bureau Federation staff scheduled an unofficial, informational meeting with USFWS and Farm Bureau members. Staff will continue to work with USFWS on this and future proposed listing to inform them of potential impacts to agricultural operations and the unintended consequences associated with their actions.

Your Land Grant Partner

December 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

dr angleBy J. Scott Angle
[email protected]

Four Florida Farm Bureau leaders at October’s annual meeting gave me four different ways of thinking about how much agriculture does for the people lucky enough or wise enough to make it their livelihood.

I sat with each of the four state board executive officers individually in between sessions in Miramar Beach. They were four very different discussions that demonstrated to me the multiple perspectives your leadership team brings to serving as champions for Florida agriculture.

President Jeb Smith and I talked about agriculture as a potential career that can provide meaning and purpose to young people searching for both. I was briefing President Smith on UF/IFAS efforts to develop training in agricultural technology. Beyond that individual initiative, we agree that agriculture is a way for people to feel they’re doing good while they’re doing well.

To Michael Dooner, agriculture is a way to protect the earth. As a forestry leader, your immediate past treasurer champions the benefits of agriculture to filter and produce abundant clean water and air, sequester carbon, and harbor wildlife. He wants to see producers recognized and compensated for what they contribute to society, not just what they produce.

Clay Archey, who was re-elected as your board secretary at the annual meeting, took time to meet with me and talk about how agriculture gives veterans a new opportunity for service after leaving the military. His family’s support for scholarships for veterans studying in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences demonstrates a way to recognize the value of the experience of our military personnel and channel it into another form of national security – food self-sufficiency.

Vice President Steve Johnson talked about agriculture’s values in connecting multiple generations of family. For three dollars per acre, his great granddaddy bought land in 1937 that the Johnson family is still farming in Manatee County. Steve hopes his son will someday take over the family business – but that his son will first attend the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and then get a few years of experience away from the Johnson farm.

Together these conversations reminded me of what a jewel agriculture is. Each conversation was like turning that jewel ever so slightly and appreciating the glint of each facet.

Agriculture is a business. My job is to help producers make money. But that’s not the whole story.

As you know, agriculture delivers far more benefits that food, feed, fuel and fiber. It’s an important way to knit families together, reinforce national security, fuel the economy, foster a lifestyle and keep parts of Florida green even as we see the land use map changing before our eyes.

Agriculture needs to speak with a unified voice. I heard that voice at the annual meeting from Jeb, Steve, Michael and Clay. Yet each does so in individual ways to create a fuller picture of the industry we love. And I look forward to amplifying that voice year-round.

Scott Angle is the University of Florida’s Senior Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and leader of the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS).


Presidential Election Creates Rippling Effect in Florida

December 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

Last month, the presidential election took place and sent a rippling effect across the State of Florida. This summary provides an overview of how this election season will impact the political arena in Florida.

Former President Donald J. Trump won the presidential election with 312 electoral votes compared to Vice President Harris’s 226 electoral votes.  At the time of this publication, President-Elect Trump also won the popular vote by a margin of 76,881,964 votes (50.0%) to Harris’s 74,397,935 votes (48.4%).  This is a first for a Republican nominee for President since George W. Bush in 2004.

As it relates to the State of Florida, President-Elect Trump won the state with 56.1% of the vote compared to Vice President Harris’s 43% of the vote.  Trump won 61 out of 67 counties and in the process flipped some previously held Democratic strongholds like Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, and Duval County.

U.S. Senator Rick Scott speaking to Florida Farm Bureau members at the 2024 Field to the Hill in Washington, D.C.

Along with that, U.S. Senator Rick Scott was on the ballot this year and was re-elected to the U.S. Senate by a margin of 55.6% to his opponent, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s 42.8%.

Additionally, the makeup of the Florida delegation in the U.S. House remained the same. All incumbents on the ballot were re-elected with the exception of Congressman Bill Posey, who retired this year.  Congressman-Elect Mike Haridopolis was elected to his seat and will be a great successor to Congressman Posey. Florida Farm Bureau thanks him for his many years of dedicated service to his constituents and the State of Florida.

When the 119th Congress swears in next month in January, the U.S. Senate will be controlled by the Republican Party by a margin of 53-47.  The U.S. House will also be controlled by the Republican Party with a projected majority of 220-215. With President-Elect Trump returning to the White House, there will be a united government in Washington, D.C. for the first time since 2017.

President-Elect Trump, his Cabinet and administration have started to take shape and some of his incoming team hail from the Great State of Florida. The first pick was tapping Congressman Michael Waltz to be the National Security Advisor.  Congressman Waltz represents Florida’s Congressional District 6 and will resign to go work for the Trump administration. A special election date was set for April 1, 2025.

Senator Marco Rubio hosted a press conference at the Florida Farm Bureau annual meeting in 2022.

Next, Trump tapped U.S. Senator Marco Rubio to be the Secretary of State. With Rubio accepting this role, Governor DeSantis will be tasked with appointing someone to that seat until 2026 when a special election will take place.

Lastly, President-Elect Trump nominated Congressman Matt Gaetz to be the next Attorney General. Gaetz represents Florida’s Congressional District 1. He accepted the nomination and resigned from Congress the following day. A little over a week later, Matt Gaetz withdrew his name from consideration for Attorney General and will not be going back to Congress. A special election date has been set for that race on April 1, 2025.

With the presidential election now behind us, President-Elect Trump immediately began building out his White House team and making the necessary cabinet nominations.

Some that are relevant to the agriculture industry are listed below:

Brooke Rollins (Secretary of Agriculture Nominee)
Brooke Rollins is the CEO of the America First Policy Institute and served as director of the Domestic Policy Council during Trump’s first term. She has a strong focus on economic opportunities, rural revitalization and deregulation, making her a key advocate for market-driven agricultural policies. A native Texan, Rollins previously led the Texas Public Policy Foundation, where she focused on criminal justice and education reform. Her experience reflects a mix of grassroots policy work and high-level administration strategy.

Chris Wright (Secretary of Energy Nominee)
Chris Wright is the CEO of Liberty Energy, a leader in hydraulic fracturing technologies. A staunch advocate for American energy independence, Wright has spoken extensively about the benefits of domestic oil and natural gas production, particularly in reducing reliance on foreign energy. His leadership in energy innovation aligns with Trump’s focus on expanding fossil fuel infrastructure and reducing federal oversight on the energy sector. Wright’s expertise positions him to advocate for deregulation while promoting the growth of U.S. energy exports.

Lee Zeldin (Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Nominee)
Lee Zeldin, former U.S. Representative from New York and gubernatorial candidate, has a record of advocating for regulatory reform and economic growth. His approach to the Environmental Protection Agency focuses on balancing environmental stewardship with easing restrictions on industries such as energy, agriculture and manufacturing. Zeldin emphasizes the importance of localized decision-making over federal mandates and is expected to prioritize infrastructure projects and clean energy innovation while reducing bureaucratic hurdles.

Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Labor Secretary Nominee)
Lori Chavez-DeRemer, a U.S. Representative from Oregon, has a reputation for bipartisan collaboration, particularly on workforce development initiatives. Despite criticism from some conservatives for her support of the PRO Act, which strengthens union rights, Chavez-DeRemer has the backing of labor leaders and moderates for her pragmatic approach. Her leadership reflects a commitment to improving workforce conditions while fostering collaboration between businesses and labor unions.

These above listed members and other nominees will now have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

The National Affairs office and Florida Farm Bureau want to congratulate everyone who ran for office and were successful in their endeavors.  We look forward to working with these members and the President-Elect’s Team in Washington, D.C. to continue advocating on behalf of Florida’s farmers and ranchers.

Members Complete Grassroots Policy Process

November 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

Delegates from nearly 60 county Farm Bureaus convened at the 83rd Florida Farm Bureau Federation (FFBF) Annual Meeting Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2024, to finalize the public policy of the Federation.  Policy amendments and new resolutions rising from the county level through the State Advisory Committees were discussed and ultimately ratified unanimously by the voting delegates.

The strategic priorities of Farm Bureau are Advocacy, Membership, Public Awareness and Profitability of Agriculture, and this member-ratified policy serves as the foundation for all of Farm Bureau’s advocacy efforts.  Policies with national implications are forwarded to the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) as resolutions for AFBF policy, and over the past year, policies originating in Florida have spurred legislative engagement in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., letters from FFBF and AFBF to regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, the U.S. Dept. of Labor and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and support for candidates, grants, initiatives and appointments that will enhance agriculture’s viability.

As we reflect on the conclusion of our state policy development process, FFBF staff will implement the policy changes in the coming year.  Each of these implementation opportunities allows staff to present a unified message, collectively as The Voice of Agriculture.

For more information on Farm Bureau’s policy process, please contact the Agricultural Policy Department at 352.374.1543.